synergy - Ethics and Integrity of Pulications - synergy

The publication of science needs thorough, precise, and complete methods by the publishers and editors. Journal of science requires to be dealt with efficiently and appropriately. To maintain high ethical principles of publication of core science, the publisher tries to work jointly at all steps with journal editors, authors, and peer-reviewers.

The essentials of Synergy Publishers publishing integrity for all groups included in the publishing process are as follows:

Editors’ Responsibilities:

  • A journal editor is vital in making critical editorial judgments on all peer-reviewed articles submitted for publication.
  • The editor should keep the academic research and experience clear, preclude expert needs from supporting with ethical standards, and constantly be ready to publish retractions, rectifications, and erratum when needed.
  • The editor should evaluate manuscripts for their scientific excellence and intellectual content, available from biased judgments based on the author’s race, gender, geographical origin, or religion (s). The editor should evaluate manuscripts objectively based on their academic merit and free of any commercial or self-interests.
  • The editor should not reveal any knowledge considering submitted manuscripts before publication of the related manuscript.
  • Promoting study integrity must be maintained. The publisher assumes any wrongdoing in research; it should be reviewed promptly and in detail with proper authorization. Furthermore, if any unusual activity does note in the peer-review, it should be solved with care.

Reviewers’ Responsibilities:

  • Implementing a comprehensive, effective, and honest evaluation on time on the scientific content of the work.
  • Indicating whether the article is relevant, brief, and cleared and evaluating the creativity and careful accuracy.
  • Maintaining the confidentiality of the entire review method.
  • Writing the journal editor about any financial or personal conflict of interest and declining to review the manuscript when a probability of such a dispute exists.
  • Announcing the journal editor of any ethical matters in assessing submitted manuscripts, such as any violation of ethical practice of animal and/or human subjects or any substantial relationship between an earlier published article and any reviewed manuscript.

Authors’ Responsibilities:

  • All the work described in the manuscript must be original and free of any plagiarism.
  • The work should not have been published elsewhere or presented to any other journal(s) at the submission to Synergy Publishers.
  • Any possible conflict of interest needs to be acknowledged.
  • Proper acknowledgments to other work referred must give/cited (of any individual, company, or institution) must be provided and obtained permission for any content used from other sources.
  • Only those who have performed any actual contribution to the presentation or organization of the proposed work should be listed as ‘Authors.’ At the same time, other contributors should be designated as ‘co-authors.

Publisher’s Responsibilities

Synergy Publishers is committed to working with journal editors, describing clearly their relative positions to assure proper decisions concerning publication systems and keeping the clarity of editorial decisions.

Synergy Publishers assures the honesty, freedom, and originality of all published articles concerning:

  • Publication
  • Publication integrity and reliability
  • Conflict of interests
  • Confidentiality
  • Authorship
  • Article corrections
  • Appropriate publication of content
  • Why Choose Synergy

    Synergy Publishers opens a portal to researchers and scholarly communities We aspire to be one of the best publishers for professional and scholarly societies. We maintain a balanced, independent editorial policy being fully committed to authors with honesty. We strive to proceed in a manner that is conducive to a sustainable future.