synergy - International Journal of Clinical Psychiatry and Mental Health (Volume 7) - synergy

International Journal of Clinical Psychiatry and Mental Health

Table of Contents
Volume 7, 2019

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Homicidal Ideation Associated with Low Dose Risperidone in a 10-Year-Old Boy: Subsequently Rage Responded Very Well to Low Dose Clonidine – Case Report Pages 1-2
John Lambe

Demographic Characteristics and Frequency of Use among Current Users of Classic Hallucinogens Pages 3-9
Jennifer A. Lyke and Julia Kuti

Symptom and Demographic Predictors of Psychotropic Medication use in ADHD and Autism Pages 10-20
Susan D. Mayes, James G. Waxmonsky, Raman Baweja, Richard E. Mattison, Hasan Memon,
Usman Hameed and Daniel Waschbusch

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