synergy - Editor-in-Chief: David Jonathan Castle (IJCPMH) - synergy



David Jonathan Castle

David is Chair of Psychiatry at St Vincent’s Health and The University of Melbourne. His clinical and research interests include schizophrenia and related disorders, cannabis abuse, and bipolar disorder. A specific area of interest is the medical care of people with a mental illness. He is also pursuing his work on OCD spectrum disorders, notably body dysmorphic disorder.

David has published widely in prestigious journals, including over 450 papers and chapters; and has co-authored or co-edited 20 books. His work is highly cited. He has been successful in attracting substantial grant funding from a variety of different sources, and has strong local, national, and international research links. He has received a number of awards for his work, most recently the Senior Research Award from the Royal ANZ College of Psychiatrists. He is on a number of advisory boards and editorial boards, and is a reviewer for over 30 national and international scientific journals.

David speaks regularly at local, national, and international scientific meetings about his research, and also teaches at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He completed the Graduate Certificate in University Teaching from the University of Melbourne in 2011. He is currently Chair of the Victorian Branch of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists.

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