Surgical Management of a Wound with Myiasis in a Bengal Monitor Lizard (Varanus bengalensis)
Bengal Monitor Lizard, Lizard, lizard wound.Abstract
An Adult male Bengal Monitor Lizard weighing around 2.3 kg rescued by a wildlife conservationist from a metal trap and presented with incised wound with inverted skin noticed around the neck region exposing the neck muscles. The neck wound was infested with live maggots, after the removal of the maggots wound was irrigated with metronidazole + povidone iodine solution and bandaged. Ivermectine tablet (Neomec -Intas) was administered as single dose (0.2 mg/kg)” the lizard was anaesthetized using inj. Ketamine hydrochloride at a rate 10mg/kg body weight intramuscularly and kept on dorsal recumbency. The wound edges were debrided and freshened, then the skin edges were sutured using polyglactin 910 (2-0) in cross mattress pattern under aseptic condition. A collagen based Gentamicin ointment was applied over the suture line and was bandaged. Inj. Amoxicillin and cloxacillin combination at a rate 10mg/Kg body weight was administered intramuscularly for five days. After wound healing the sutures were removed on 10th post-operative day and the lizard was released in the forest.
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