synergy - Journal of Nephrology and Urology Research (Volume 6) - synergy

Journal of Nephrology and Urology Research

Table of Contents
Volume 6, Year 2018

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Institutional Audit on Percutaneous NephrolithotomyPages 1-6
Anshul Garg, Rajesh Tiwari, Kamlesh Gunjan, Kumar Gaurav Mishra and Pawan Kumar bharti

Association of Organophosphate Poisoning with Kidney Injury: A Mini ReviewPages 7-10
Ali Kemal Erenler, Barış Eser, Tuba Sarıaydın, Mehmet Oğuzhan Ay, Güvenç Doğan and Ahmet Baydın

Plastic Surgery of Male External Genitalia after a Trauma Caused by a Mill in Rural
Pages 11-13

Modou Ndiaye, Ibrahima Dara Diamé, Amath Thiam, Tiennou Hafing, Ibrahima Diallo, Ibrahima Bocar Welle, Mouhamed Aly Sylla and Mohamed Jalloh

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