synergy - Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus (volume 6, 2018) - synergy

Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus

Table of Contents
Volume 6, 2018

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Uric Acid Association with the Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes Pages 1-9
Mira I. Daher, Tarek W. Wehbe and Elizabeth Abou Jaoude

Hypovitaminosis D and Type 2 Diabetes: What Correlation? Control Case Study about 110 Cases Pages 10-13
Sakina Bellouk, Siham El Aziz and Asma Chadli

Bariatric Surgery and its Place in Modern Diabetology Pages 14-17
Dan Mircea Cheța and Vlad Horia Chirilă

Lymphocytic Hypophysitis: Case Report Pages 18-22
Nassim Essabah Haraj, Samira Lezar, Fatima Louda, Siham El Aziz and Asma Chadli

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