Plastic Surgery of Male External Genitalia after a Trauma Caused by a Mill in Rural Area Pages 11-13
Modou Ndiaye1, Ibrahima Dara Diamé1, Amath Thiam3, Tiennou Hafing1, Ibrahima Diallo2, Ibrahima Bocar Welle1, Mouhamed Aly Sylla1 and Mohamed Jalloh4
1Centre Hospitalier Régional de Ourossogui, Senegal; 2Centre Hospitalier Régional de Ziguinchor, Senegal; 3Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Aristide Le Dantec, Senegal; 4Hopital General de Grand Yoff, Senegal
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12970/2310-984X.2018.06.03
Download PDFAbstract: The trauma of the external genital organs is a common urological emergency that can affect the patient’s functional and psychosocial prognosis as well as his family. We report a case of direct trauma of the external genitalia of a 27-year-old by a mill, requiring a recover plastic surgery in rural area. The examination at admission revealed a significant damage of penile and scrotal skin, denuding testes and cavernous bodies. A cover plastic surgery was performed. After a year of follow up, the outcome was good.
Keywords: External genital organs trauma, urological emergencies, plastic surgery, decay.
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