Case Report of a Missing Dental Implant Discovered Impacted in the Appendix Pages 1-3
Saba Saeed1, Syed Haris Tasleem2 and Nisar Ahmed1
1Park Plaza Hospital, Houston, TX, USA; 2Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, USA
Download PDFAbstract: Ingested foreign bodies are rarely impacted in the appendix. They may be clinically silent or cause severe adverse effects like appendicitis or intestinal perforation, requiring emergent surgery. This is a case report of an asymptomatic 61 years old woman, who presented with a missing dental bridge following facial plastic surgery. It was later found to be in the right lower quadrant on plain abdominal radiograph. Conservative management proved ineffective and the patient underwent colonoscopy for retrieval. One end of the dental bridge was found to be impacted in the appendiceal opening. The dental bridge was disimpacted and finally extracted using careful maneuver, described herein.
Keywords: Foreign body, ingested, Appendix, Impaction, colonoscopic extraction, Anoscope. Read more