synergy - Journal of Therapy and Management in HIV Infection Volume 1 Issue 2 - synergy

Journal of Therapy and Management in HIV Infection

Table of Contents
Volume 1, No. 2, December 2013

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Case Reports

Overcoming Barriers Regarding Sexual History Taking: Case Reports Pages 36-39
Vipul Shukla, Benjamin Yourchock and Michelle Coutcher

Case Study: Novel Approach to HIV-Associated Neuropathy Platelet Rich Plasma Successful in Treating HIV-Associated Peripheral Neuropathy Pages 40-44
James Hays, John O’Neil Simmonds, Wilbert Jordan and Nathan Lucas

Research Articles

Prevalence of Oral Manifestations and Associated Factors in the HIV Infection at a Reference Hospital from the Health’s Unified System, Brazil Pages 45-54
Solange M. Silva, Rejane F. Ribeiro-Rotta and Marco Tulio A. García-Zapata

Discontinuation and Dose Adjustment of Tenofovir in HIV Patients with Impaired Renal Function Pages 55-62
Andreas Dissing, Rebecca Legarth, Marie Helleberg, Gitte Kronborg, Jan Gerstoft, Niels Obel and Court Pedersen

Perceived and Experienced Stigma and Discrimination among Caregivers of Perinatally HIV-Infected Adolescents in Thailand Pages 63-68
Charles H. Washington and Peninnah Oberdorfer

Towards the Abandonment of Female Genital Cutting in Communities in Abia State: Initiatives in Nigeria Pages 69-75
E.E. Enwereji and K.O. Enwereji

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