synergy - Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus (volume 7, 2019) - synergy

Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus

Table of Contents
Volume 7, 2019

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Prevalence of Thyroid Cancer in Lebanon: What is the Role of Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy?Pages 1-9
Khadija Jamal Saad, Mirvat Mohammad Ballout, Zahraa El Najjar, George Phillip Aftimos, Elie Mekhael Gharios and Marie Tanios Merheb

Autoimmune Endocrinopathies in the Type 1 Diabetic Patient: Prevalence and Clinical Characteristics Pages 10-16
F.Z. Kaidi, N.E. Haraj, S. El-Aziz and A. Chadli

Levels of Vitamin D and their Association with Complications of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Pages 17-23
Sukhraj Kaur and Pashaura Singh Sandhu

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