Comparison of Pre and Post-Operative Hearing Results in Patients Undergone Modified Inlay Butterfly Cartilage Perichondrium Myringoplasty (JRO v1n2a5) - synergy - synergy

Comparison of Pre and Post-Operative Hearing Results in Patients Undergone Modified Inlay Butterfly Cartilage Perichondrium Myringoplasty Pages 82-86

Bikash Lal Shrestha, Ram Chayaman Amatya, Inku Shrestha and Monika Pokharel

Department of Otorhinolaryngology And Head And Neck Surgery, Kathmandu University Hospital, Dhulikhel, Kavre, Nepal


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Abstract: Objective: The perichondrium cartilage graft has its advantage not only on hearing outcome but also in graft uptake rate. So, the main aims are to compare the pre and post-operative hearing results and to observe the graft uptake rate.

Materials and methodology: This is a prospective, longitudinal and analytical study conducted in the department of otorhinolaryngology in Kathmandu university hospital from 1st January 2011 to 1st June 2012. There were 34 patients who underwent modified inlay butterfly cartilage perichondrium myringoplasty using tragal cartilage perichondrium in ≥13 years patients and with the diagnosis of Chronic otitis media (mucosal- inactive) with central perforation of >50% and those requiring revision surgeries for failed myringoplasties were included. The pre and post-operative PTA (pure tone audiogram) was performed and evaluated. The post-operative hearing was assessed in terms of average ABG (air bone gap) and size of ABG closure.

Results: Among 34 patients, the 30 (88.2%) patients had graft uptaken. Other 4 patients had residual perforation because of infection. The post operative ABG was smaller than the pre operative ABG. (36.57+/-12.13dB and 26.41+/-8.47dB respectively) The mean ABG closure was 10.15+/-10.23dB. The ABG closure was smaller than 10dB in 15 (50%) patients.

Conclusion: There was statistically significant improvement in postoperative ABG with ABG closure within 10dB in 50% of patients. So, it is useful to perform the procedure in subtotal to total perforation with good outcome.

Keywords: Air bone gap, cartilage, chronic otitis media, Myringoplasty. Read more

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