Acute Urinary Retention by Hematocolpos in an Adolescent Girl with Imperforate Hymen: A Case Report (JNURV3N2A1) - synergy - synergy

Acute Urinary Retention by Hematocolpos in an Adolescent Girl with Imperforate Hymen: A Case Report Pages 24-26

S.C.N. Kouka1, Y. Diallo2, M. Thiam3, M. Jalloh5, L. Niang1 and C. Sylla1

1Département d’Urologie – UFR des Sciences de la Santé – Université de Thiès, Senegal;2Département de gynecologie – UFR des Sciences de la Santé – Université de Thiès, Senegal; 3Service d’Urologie Hôpital Général de Grand Yoff, Senegal


Abstract: Mechanical obstruction by hematocolpos can result in acute urinary retention. This is an adolescent girl 15 year old who presented amenorrhea, cyclic abdominal pain and acute retention of urine. On examination patient was found to have imperforate hymen. She underwent hymenectomy. Postoperative period was uneventful. We conclude that in peripubertal female with acute urinary retention, hematocolpos should be considered.

Keywords: Urine Retention, Hematocolpos, Imperforate hymen, Hymenectomy.
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