synergy - Journal of Therapy and Management in HIV Infection Volume 1 Issue 1 - synergy

Journal of Therapy and Management in HIV Infection

Table of Contents
Volume 1, No. 1, June 2013

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Editorial Page 1-2

Review Articles

Treatment-as-Prevention in AIDS Control: Why Communication Still Matters Pages 3-6
Rupali J. Limaye, Jeffrey B. Bingenheimer, Rajiv N. Rimal, Susan Krenn and Claudia Vondrasek

Research Articles

Sociodemographic, HIV Risk Behavior and Attitudinal Characteristics that
Discriminate Urban, Crack-Using African-American Men Reporting Involvement in
Concurrent Sexual Partnerships
Pages 7-18
Robert C. Freeman

Pharyngeal Gonorrhea and Chlamydial Infections in Men who have Sex with Men,
a Hidden Threat to the HIV Epidemic
Pages 19-23
Renee Jiddou, Maria Alcaide, Isabella Rosa-Cunha and Jose Castro

Emphasizing Reproductive Health Issues and HIV/AIDS Prevention to Youths from a
Religious Perspective in Abia State of Nigeria
Pages 24-35
Ezinna Ezinne Enwereji and Reginald Ahuizi Eke

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