Treatment of Recurrent Mixed Infected Laryngocele with Extramucosal Thyrotomy Around Theurepatic Dilemma (JROv2n3a1) - synergy - synergy

Treatment of Recurrent Mixed Infected Laryngocele with Extramucosal Thyrotomy Around Theurepatic Dilemma Pages 44-48

Baran Acar1, Erdem Yıldız1 and Rıza Murat Karasen2

1Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Kecioren Training and Research Hospital, 2Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey


Abstract: Laryngopyocele is a fairly rare disease which is a complication of laryngocele. It is a emergency situation so it needs fast differential diagnosis and treatment. Management of laryngopyoceles include observation, endoscopic resection and resection via an external approach. An external approach is indicated for large or external laryngoceles. The incidence of association between laryngocele and laryngeal carcinoma varies from 1% to 10%. Extramucosal thyrotomy to thyroid cartilage lamina provides adequate visibility of the laryngocele sac.

Keywords: Laryngocele, thyrohyoid membrane, tracheotomy. Read more

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