synergy - Journal of Nephrology and Urology Research (Volume3 Issue1) - synergy

Journal of Nephrology and Urology Research

Table of Contents
Volume 3, No. 1, April 2015

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Research Articles

Use of Cosmofer in Routine Practice in the Hemodialysis Department in Saint Anna Hospital Sofia and Behavior in Case of Adverse Medication Effects Manifestation Pages 1-6
Krasimira Atanasova Ashikova

Total Parathyroidectomy without Autotransplantion Effective Treatment in Renal “Refractory” Chronic Kidney Disease – Metabolic Bone Disease Pages 7-12
M.R. Diaconescu, M. Glod, I. Costea and S. Diaconescu

Review Articles

Diagnosis and Management of Renal Infarction in the Emergency Department: A Review Pages 13-17
Ali Kemal Erenler, Latif Duran, Behice Hande Erenler, Yilmaz Baş and Zuhal Candan Yilmaz

The Research Progress of PDGF-C/PDGFR-α Signaling Pathway in Renal Fibrosis and its Traditional Chinese Medicine Intervention– Pages 18-21
Jun Li and Lan Yao

Evolution of Radiotherapy for the Prostate Cancer Treatment Pages 22-23
P.R. Malakar

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