synergy - Journal of Nephrology and Urology Research (Volume2 Issue2) - synergy

Journal of Nephrology and Urology Research

Table of Contents
Volume 2, No. 2, November 2014

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Case Report

Mannose Binding Lectin (MBL) Deficiency as a Rare Cause of Prostate AbscessPages 27-28
Muhammad Al-Hamadani and Hamid Akbari

Research Articles

Hemostasis Values, Growth and Intercellular Adhesion Factors in Evaluation of the Extent of Tumor Spread in Urinary Bladder Cancer PatientsPages 29-31
L.A. Derzhavets

Difficult Urethral Catheterization in Cardiovascular Surgery Patients: Do you have a Road Map? Pages 32-36
Burak Özkan, Enis Rauf Coşkuner, Murat Şamlı, Yusuf Kenan Yalçınbaş, Veli Yalçın and Ahmet Sahin

Maternal High Sodium Diet Yields Kidney Alterations in Mice OffspringPages 37-46
Jessica A. Moraes-Teixeira, Isabele Bringhenti, Mauricio Younes-Ibrahim, Marcia B. Aguila and Carlos A. Mandarim-de-Lacerda

Review Article

Current Perspective on the Location and Function of Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) and its Metabolic Partners in the Kidney Pages 47-57
Kadeshia Dunn, Claire M. Peppiatt-Wildman, Stephen P. Kelley and Scott S.P. Wildman

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