synergy - Journal of Nephrology and Urology Research (Volume 3, Issue 2) - synergy

Journal of Nephrology and Urology Research

Table of Contents
Volume 3, No. 2, November 2015

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Case Report

Acute Urinary Retention by Hematocolpos in an Adolescent Girl with Imperforate Hymen: A Case Report Pages 22-26
S.C.N. Kouka, Y. Diallo, M. Thiam, M. Jalloh, L. Niang and C. Sylla

Research Articles

Urodynamic Evaluation of Female Patients with Metabolic Syndrome Pages 27-32
Kutan Ozer, Mustafa Ozan Horsanali, Sacit Nuri Gorgel and Emin Ozbek

Clinical Evaluation to Determine Dry Weight in Hemodialysis is as Good as Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Pages 33-41
Guilherme Breitsameter, Angélica R. de Freitas, Carlos Eduardo Poli-de-Figueiredo and Ana Elizabeth Figueiredo

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