synergy - Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus (volume2 issue3) - synergy

Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus

Table of Contents
Volume 2, No. 3, November 2014

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Case Report

Adrenal Hematoma: A Report of Three Cases Pages 117-121
Nora Soumeya Fedala, Ali el Mahdi Haddam, Farida Chentli, Radhia Si Youcef and Nadia Kalafat

Wolfram Syndrome: Report of Two New Cases Pages 122-124
Khadija Diyane, Ghizlane El Mghari and Nawal El Ansari

Research Articles

The Impact of Introducing Inpatient Diabetes Management Protocol on Glycemic Control in a Rural Secondary Care Hospital in the UAE Pages 125-129
Rodhan Khthir, Ibrahim Hatab, Blessy Rajan and Felyn Luz Espina

High Levels of HbA1c from T2DM Patients Positively Correlated with Increased of Oxidative Stress Biomarker and IL-6 Levels Pages 130-135
Caroline Maria Oliveira Volpe, Luana Farnese Machado Abreu, Aleida Nazareth Soares, Francisco das Chagas Lima e Silva, Miriam Martins Chaves and José Augusto Nogueira-Machado

Specific Thyroid Markers and Auxiliary Diagnostics in Post Pregnancy Woman, Specific and Non-Specific Hypothyreosis-Like Syndromes Pages 136-149
Andrzej Jan Dyszkiewicz, Jolanta Kujawa and Piotr Wincierz

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