synergy - Global Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology (volume2 issue3) - synergy

Global Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Table of Contents
Volume 2, No. 3, October 2014

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Review Article

IBD – Impact of Colonic pH, Onset of Action and other Factors in Modern Therapeutic Approach Pages 74-83
A.M.J. Newton and Narinder Kumar

Research Articles

The Use of Three-Dimensional Reconstruction Software in Oesophageal Capsule Endoscopy: A Pilot Study from Edinburgh Pages 84-91
Anastasios Koulaouzidis, Alexandros Karargyris, Andry Giannakou, Yun Lin Ang, Konstantinos J. Dabos, Leonidas Bartzis, Andrew J. Bathgate, Peter C. Hayes and John N. Plevris

Relevance of the Nutritional Care in Patients before Liver Transplantation Pages 92-100
Claudia Baraldi, Nicola De Ruvo, Rosa Maria Iemmolo, Roberto Ballarin, Nicola Cautero, Giorgio Enrico Gerunda and Fabrizio Di Benedetto

Hyperbilirubinemia with Urinary Tract Infection in Infants Younger than Eight Weeks Old Pages 101-107
Yasser K. Rashed, Ahmad A. Khtab and Ahmad M. Alhalaby

Phase II Study of a Comprehensive Treatment Using Perioperative Chemotherapy Combined with Cytoreductive Surgery for Curatively Resected Gastric Cancer Patients with Positive Peritoneal Wash Cytology Pages 108-113
Yutaka Yonemura, Emel Canbay, Shouzou Sako, Haruaki Ishibashi, Masamitu Hirano, Akiyoshi Mizumoto, Kazuyosi Takeshita, Nobuyuki Takao, Masumi Ichinose, Yang Liu, Yan Li, Satoshi Ikeda, Takuya Saitou, Yoshimichi Sai and Yoshio Endou

Oral Ciclopsorin in Steroid Refractory, Acute, Severe Ulcerative Colitis Pages 114-117
Sameer Gaggar and Nick P. Thompson

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