Ultrasound Examination of Cows During the Puerperium in Everyday Veterinary Practice (WJVS v1n1a4) - synergy - synergy

Ultrasound Examination of Cows During the Puerperium in Everyday Veterinary Practice Pages 8-12

Hrvoje Kabalin1, Juraj Grizelj2, Tomislav Dobranić2, Igor Štoković3 and Anamaria Ekert Kabalin3

1Veterinary Station Jastrebarsko d.o.o., Ambulance Pisarovina, Croatia; 2Reproduction and Obstetrics Clinic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb, Croatia; 3Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb, Croatia

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12970/2310-0796.2013.01.01.2

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Abstract: Regular control of cows during puerperium allows as detecting and treating pathological processes in the early phase, to optimise duration of service and calving period followed with the occurrence of physiological cycles. The application of ultrasound in daily practice enables precise detection of follicles ability for ovulation and identification of functional corpus lutei, early diagnose of pregnancy, determination of foetal sex as well as an early and accurate identification of pathological processes (metritis, endometritis and pyometra). This survey included 54 cows: experimental group consist of 32 animals (26 of Simmental and 6 of Holstein-Friesian breed) that were under continuous control of the veterinarian (routine gynaecological and ultrasound examination), while remaining 22 animals in the barn (12 Simmental and 10 Holstein-Friesian cows) served as a control group – inseminated only at the invitation of the owner. Insemination index (1.69) and duration of service period (82.27 days) in the experimental group of Simmental cows were significantly lower (P<0.001) than in the control group (3.25 and 155.17 days, respectively). Although smaller insemination index was observed in experimental group of Holstein-Friesian cows (2.17) compared to the control (3.10) this difference wasn’t significant. Also, service period (100.67 days) in the experimental group was significantly shorter (P<0.05) compared to the control animals (180.30 days). These results showed that application of ultrasound improved certain fertility indicators in cows, i.e. minus insemination index and shortened duration of service period.

Keywords: Ultrasonography, ovulation, insemination index, service period, Simmental, Holstein-Friesian cow. Read more

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