Maxillary Sinus Asymmetry in Children: Report of Two Cases and Literature Review (JROv1n2a1) - synergy - synergy

Maxillary Sinus Asymmetry in Children: Report of Two Cases and Literature Review Pages 63-67

Thiago Pires Brito1, Laíza Araújo Mohana Pinheiro2, Vanessa Gonçalves Silva1,Carlos Eduardo Monteiro Zappelini2, Rebecca Christina Kathleen Maunsel3 and Reinaldo Jordão Gusmão3

1Resident of Otorhinolaringology. Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM), Campinas University (UNICAMP), São Paulo, Brazil; 2MD, Otolaryngologist. Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM), Campinas University (UNICAMP), São Paulo, Brazil; 3Otolaryngologist, MD, PhD, Professor. Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Department, Clinical Hospital, Campinas, Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM), Campinas University (UNICAMP), São Paulo, Brazil


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Abstract: Asymmetry of the Maxillary Sinus in children can be caused by various benign and malignant pathologies. Facial asymmetry is part of the clinical picture of these patients and sufficient investigation is necessary. We present a case of idiopathic asymmetry of the maxillary sinus and a case of hypoplasia of the maxillary sinus as well as a description of the main differential diagnoses.

Keywords: Facial asymmetry, maxillary sinus, silent sinus syndrome, children, differential diagnosis, maxillary hypoplasia. Read more

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