Improvement in Pulmonary Hypertension and Closure of a Patent Foramen Ovale with Treatment of Hyperthyroidism in a Patient with Graves’ Disease Pages 74-91

Ann Pia Baby1, Taiga Inoue1,4, Ronny Cohen1,3, Brooks Mirrer1,3, Barry Rosenzweig3,5, Gül Bahtiyar1-4 and Alan Sacerdote1-4

1Department of Medicine, Woodhull Medical Center; 2Division of Endocrinology, SUNY Downstate Medical Center; 3NYU School of Medicine; 4St. George’s University, School of Medicine; 5Bellevue Hospital Center, USA


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Abstract: Pulmonary hypertension and recurrence of a previously closed patent foramen ovale seen in Graves’ disease patients could be reversed with treatment of hyperthyroidism. We are reporting the case of a 41 year old woman, who presented with features of Graves’ disease and pulmonary hypertension which, in turn, led to a right to left shunt through a patent foramen ovale. After 8 weeks of treatment for hyperthyroidism, her pulmonary artery pressure decreased and patent foramen ovale was not noticeable. This is the first reported case of PFO closure with reduction of pulmonary artery pressure associated with treatment of hyperthyroidism to our knowledge.

Keywords: Graves’ disease, pulmonary hypertension, patent foramen ovale, closure of patent foramen ovale, treatment for hyperthyroidism. Read more