Psychological Effects of Breast Cancer: Inheriting Breast Cancer from Mother to Daughter (IJCPMHV3N2A1) - synergy - synergy

Psychological Effects of Breast Cancer: Inheriting Breast Cancer from Mother to Daughter(Pages 36-39)

Ndiaye-Ndongo Ndèye Dialé, Ndiaye Ibrahima, Fall Lamine and Thiam Mamadou Habib
Service de Psychiatrie du CHNU Fann, Dakar- Sénégal

Abstract: Cancer pathologies are associated with a substantial psychological burden. This is particularly the case for breast cancer, as it targets an organ that has important sexual and maternal functions.
With a diagnosis of breast cancer, the patient is confronted with the possibility of losing a part of their body; a part that represents womanhood and sexuality, as well as the possibility of impending death. This is often a time of emotional distress, which is subject to adaptation to the disease and its treatment.
The authors describe the case of a patient who “inherited” breast cancer, and they highlight the relevance of providing psychological support in this type of situation.

Keywords: Cancer, breast, psychological repercussions, Dakar. Read more

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