An Unusual Case of Appendicitis: “Trauma” Appendicitis? (GJGHv3n3a2) - synergy - synergy

An Unusual Case of Appendicitis: “Trauma” Appendicitis? Pages 75-77

Nestor A. Gomez, FACS, FACG1,2,*, Stanley M. Jama1, Ludwig R. Alvarez3 and Jorge O. Gutierrez1

1Gastroenterology Department, Leon Becerra Hospital, Guayaquil, Ecuador; 2University of Guayaquil, Guayaquil, Ecuador; 3Nutrition of the Gastroenterology Department, Leon Becerra Hospital, Guayaquil, Ecuador

Abstract: Acute appendicitis is a frequent clinical entity around the world being the most common abdominal surgical emergency. Even though its principal etiology is luminal obstructive, there are cases of non-obstructive appendicitis where we can find abdominal trauma. We present a case of a 61 years old patient with complaints of abdominal pain over the past ten months and weight loss of 25 kilograms with history of a car accident. He also had a CT scan where an inflammatory process at intestinal level was reported. After doing an exploratory laparotomy, appendicitis in the mesoileum was found performing an appendectomy. After the symptoms reappeared, the patient was intervened once again performing an ileal resection in the same region and five days later after a dehiscence, an ileostomy was performed in the same place of the last anastomosis. Eight months later the ileostomy was closed and the gastrointestinal transit was reestablished. Nowadays, the patient in his last control one year later was healthy.

Keywords: Acute appendicitis, abdominal trauma, appendectomy, ileostomy. Read more

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