Foreign Bodies Ingestion in Children Pages 14-20
Yasser K. Rashed
Pediatric Hepatology Department, National Liver Institute, Menoufiya University, Egypt
Abstract: Background: Foreign body (FB) ingestion is a worldwide problem, commonly occurs in children younger than 6 years, and the incidence of FBI has increased in recent years.
Aim: To review our experience of FB ingestions management in children over a 7 year period and compared our findings with previous reports.
Patients and Methods: The medical records of 250 patients who were hospitalized for FB ingestion between 2007 and May 2014 were evaluated retrospectively. The age and sex, clinical findings, diagnostic methods, modalities of treatment as well as outcome of all patients were noted.
Statistical Analysis: Descriptive.
Results: There were 250 patients enrolled into the study. The main presenting symptoms were abdominal pain (38%), vomiting (6.4%), dysphagia (3.2%), chest pain (3.2%), cough (2.4%), and melena (1.2%). No symptom was encountered in the remaining (45.6%) patients. Radiological examinations showed that FB was located in the esophagus in 44.8%, in the stomach of 35.2%, in the duodenum of 1.2%, and in the intestine or colon segments in 18.8% (n = 47) patients.
Conclusions: We concluded that the public health education could reduce exposure to injuries from FB ingestion and we found the endoscopic extraction of FB is safe and effective.
Keywords: Foreign body (FB) ingestion, FB forceps, Roth retrieval net, retrieval basket, gastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy. Read more