synergy - Surgical Research Updates (Volume 8) - synergy

Surgical Research Updates

Table of Contents
Volume 8, 2020

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Enterocutaneous Fistula in the African Settings: Evidence-Based Strategies and Updates Pages 1-10
Bamidele Johnson Alegbeleye

Hiatal Hernia: Systematic Review for Medical Students During InternshipPages 11-16
Miguel Pereira Goulart Neto, Isadora Medrado Goulart, Matheus Alves de Souza, Natália Inácio Beltramini, Miriam Pardini Gomes, Dimoriani Cristina Pinheiro, João Pedro de Souza Argerin, Luis Fernando Ricci Boer, Leonardo Faidiga, Fernando Batigalia and Rogério Rodrigo Ramos

Mattox Maneuver as a Pedagogical Resource for Dissection of the Left Hemi-Abdomen Pages 17-20
Isadora Medrado Goulart, Miguel Pereira Goulart Neto, Matheus Alves de Souza, Natália Inácio Beltramini, Miriam Pardini Gomes, Nathalia Simões Carneiro, Aline Ribeiro Cunha, Luis Fernando Ricci Boer, Fernando Batigalia, Luciana Estevam Simonato and Rogério Rodrigo Ramos

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