Mouth Opening During Ridden Exercise in Sports Horses: An Evasive Behaviour, an Indication of Pain or Discomfort or a Physical Adjustment to Facilitate the Oral Passage of Air During Inspiratory Efforts 


  • T. Ahern Knockadoon Lodge, 17 Keymer Street, Ascot, 6104, Western Australia



 Horse, nosebands, isthmus fauciium, oropharyngeal seal, palatoplasty.


 There had been mounting concern over the use of nosebands and in particular those regarded as being restrictive with the potential to cause stress to horses. It had been suggested that mouth opening during ridden exercise was primarily triggered by rider, tack, training or pain issues. At the same time the long held association between mouth opening and upper airways dysfunctions such as PI, DDSP and PD was being mostly ignored. It was therefore suggested that horses that were continually or intermittently attempting to open their mouths during ridden exercise should firstly undergo overground endoscopy to rule out upper airways issues, prior to exploring other potential causes. This particularly in light of more recent studies in sports horses as well as racehorses which had shown a high incidence of PI and DDSP in competition. If a dysfunction such as PI , DDSP or PD was diagnosed, then these issues should be addressed firstly. If successfully treated the need for tack such as a nosebands would be reassessed. 


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