Efficacy of Exfoliative Vaginal Cytology and Progesterone Assay on Fertility in Bitches
Bitches, Ovulation, Vaginal cytology, Progesterone.Abstract
The present research work was conducted to study the efficiency of exfoliative vaginal cytology (EVC) and progesterone assay for detection of ovulation period as well as fertility in bitches. In Group-I, exfoliative vaginal cytology (EVC) was performed at alternate days in bitches (n=6) in pro-oestrus period and when cornification index reached more than 80%, suggested for mating. In Group-II, exfoliative vaginal cytology (EVC) was performed at alternate days in bitches (n=6) presentenced in pro-oestrus period and when cornification index reached more than 80%, serum progesterone level was estimated. Based on the progesterone levels, the bitches were suggested mating accordingly. The mean cornification index (%) was 89.33±2.37 and 88.17±2.12 in Group I and II, respectively and non-significant difference within the groups (P>0.05). The mean predicted day ovulation was 9.33±0.80 and 8.16±0.98, respectively in Group I and II and non-significant within the groups (P>0.05). The mean ± SE serum progesterone after 80 % cornification index was 3.79 ± 0.55 ng/ml. The mean ± SE of litter size were 5.83 ± 0.79 and 4.50 ± 0.67 ain Group I and II and showed non significant difference between the groups.
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