Short-Term Clinical Results of Porous Tantalum Monoblock Patella in Total Knee Arthroplasty: Analysis of Two-Dimensionally Osteom
Takao Kaneko1, Takahiro Otani1, Hideaki Ishii1, Nobuhito Nango2, Hiroyasu Ikegami1 and Yoshiro Musha1 1Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Toho University School of Medicine, 2-17-6 Ohashi, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan; 2Ratoc System Engineering Co., Ltd., Toho Edogawabashi Building, 4th Floor, 1-24-8 Sekiguchi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Porous tantalum monoblock patella, total knee arthroplasty, BMC/TV values, bone marrow contents / total volumes.
The purpose of this study evaluates using two-dimensionally osteomorphometry whether we can use Trabecular metal monoblock patella (TM-P) safely, while performing cementless total knee arthroplasty. Tilting angle, patellar displacement and posterior condylar offset were improved significantly postoperative It shows the ossification in 25 knees (82.5%) between patella and TM-P in skyline images of the radiographs postoperative and was classified in type5. The bone mineral content/total volume (BMC/TV) values in ROI 1 (superior) and ROI 2 (under peg), ROI 3 (inferior) increased before postoperative 12 month and decreased from postoperative 12 month. The BMC/TV values in ROI 1 was the most high level. We think that TM-P shows the excessive ossification and increase inboneformationconcentration by causing increment theleverarmof theextensionmechanisminpatellofemoral joint with thick TM-P, and the resultant force(patellofemoral joint reaction: PFJRF)fromthe femoralquadricepsandpatellawhilekneeflexion.