Dual Quaternions Robotics: A) The 3R Planar Manipulator 


  • Mahmoud Gouasmi Algeria Structural Mechanics Research Laboratory, Mechanical Engineering Department, Blida University, Algeria
  • Belkacem Gouasmi
  • Mohammed Ben-Ahmed-Dahou




 Climate change, disease transmission, host, pathogen, vector.


Abstract Kinematics analysis studies the relative motions, such as, first of all, the displacement in space of the end effector of a given robot, and thus its velocity and acceleration, associated with the links of the given robot that is usually designed so that it can position its end-effector with a three degree-of-freedom of translation and three degree-of-freedom of orientation within its workspace. This chapter presents mainly, on the light of both main concepts; the first being the screw motion or/ and dual quaternions kinematics while the second concerns the classical ‘Denavit and Hartenberg parameters method’ the direct kinematics of a planar manipulator.We must emphasize the fact that the use of Matlab software and quaternions and / or dual quaternions in the processing of 3D rotations and/or screw movements is and will always be the most efficient, fast and accurate first choice. Dual quaternion direct kinematics method could be generalised, in the future, to more complicated spatial and/ or industrial robots as well as to articulated and multibody systems.


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