Silvia Krempaská1, Juraj Kovaľ1 and Marián Švajdler2 1Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, L. Pasteur University Hospital, Tr.SNP 1, 040 81 Košice, Slovakia; 2Department of Pathology, L. Pasteur University Hospital, Rastislavova 43, 040 81 Košice, Slovakia
Osteomas of the internal auditory canal are extremely rare bening lesions which are usually diagnosed incidentally. The etiology of sporadic cases in unknown. Herein, we report on a case of internal auditory canal osteoma in a 39-year-old woman suffering from vertigo, hearing loss and tinnitus on her right ear. The patient underwent decompression of the right internal auditory canal and osteoma ablation via retrosigmoid approach. Postoperatively, the patient improved, both vertigo and facial weakness disappeared. Moderate cephalgia is still present. The patient has been under the regular follow up over the period of two years.