Reinforcement of Sliced Tragal Cartilage Perichondrium Composite Graft with Temporalis Fascia in Type I Tympanoplasty: Our Techniques and Results -


  • Mubarak M. Khan Department of Otorhinolaryngology, M.I.M.E.R. Medical College, Pune, India
  • Sapna R. Parab Department of Otorhinolaryngology, M.I.M.E.R. Medical College, Pune, India



 Sliced tragal Cartilage, Temporalis fascia, Functional results, Tympanoplasty.


 In our otological practice, we prefer sliced tragal cartilage- perichondrium grafting for reconstruction of the tympanic membrane perforations. In an attempt to reduce residual and recurrent perforations in our series of cartilage tympanoplasty using sliced tragal cartilage perichondrium composite graft, we reinforce tragal cartilage with temporalis fascia in large perforations. Aim: The purpose of this study is to evaluate anatomical and audiological results after primary cartilage tympanoplasty using sliced tragal cartilage reinforced with temporalis fascia in large perforations. Methods and Materials:We carried a prospective study of 28 patients operated from March 2010 to January 2011 in M.I.M.E.R Medical College and Sushrut ENT Hospital using sliced tragal cartilage reinforced with temporalis fascia. The surgical technique is described in detail. Results:Successful closure of the tympanic membrane was achieved in all patients at 2 years of follow up. The average postoperative Air Bone Gap was 9.6429+/-2.6557 dB. Conclusion: Reinforcement of temporalis fascia with sliced tragal cartilage is a reliable technique for tympanoplasty, especially in large perforations. To our knowledge, this is the first study involving the reinforcement of sliced tragal cartilage with temporalis fascia in type I tympanoplasty. 


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