Meta-Analysis of Randomized, Double Blind, Controlled Studies Confirms the Efficacy and Safety of Esberitox in the Treatment of the Common Cold
Metaanalysis, Common colds, Esberitox, Baptisia, Echinacea, ThujaAbstract
Herbal medicines like Esberitox (TOX, wild indigo root stock, echinacea root, thuja tips and leaves) are used to treat common colds. Several randomized, controlled trials (RCT) document the efficacy and safety of TOX in this indication. So far its efficacy and safety has not been evaluated meta-analytically.
We included individual patient data from all 825 patients from 3 RCTs. 693 patients had been treated with TOX, 132 with placebo (PLA) (7-9 days). All symptom scores were adjusted to baseline and meta-analyzed regarding area under the curve (AUC), time to response (≥50% decrease of symptom score), response rate and duration of the cold.
The AUCs of the rhinitis score were 19.05 with TOX superior to 20.57 with PLA (p=0.020), bronchitis score 14.92 versus 16.16 (p=0.039) and well-being 208.4 versus 216.4 (p=0.008). Response rates were higher in TOX than PLA in all scores. The times to response showed an acceleration of the healing process of rhinitis (1.5 days, p=0.049), bronchitis (2 days) and pain (2 days, p=0.008). The duration of the cold was shortened by TOX by up to 2.3 days. The ADR-rate did not differ significantly (2.7% vs. 1.5%, p=0.41). Tolerability was good to very good in 98.4% (TOX) and 99.2% (PLA) (p=0.34). In conclusion, this meta-analysis confirmed the efficacy and tolerability of Esberitox at a higher level of evidence. It accelerates the improvement of cold symptoms by up to 2 days and shortens the duration of colds by up to 2.3 days.
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