Ozone Therapy with Ozonized Water: An Alternative Process for the Sterilization of Manicure Pliers In Vitro


  • Ursulandrea Sanches Abelan Centro Universitário de Rio Preto (UNIRP), São José do Rio Preto, Brazil
  • Morian Lauana Miguelão Canada Centro Universitário de Rio Preto (UNIRP), São José do Rio Preto, Brazil
  • Dora Inés Kozusny-Andreani Universidade Brasil, Fernandópolis, Brazil
  • Renato Amaro Zângaro Biomedical Engineering Institute - Anhembi Morumbi University, São José dos Campos, Brazil and Center for Innovation, Technology and Education-CITÉ, São José dos Campos, Brazil
  • Rogério Rodrigo Ramos Universidade Brasil, Fernandópolis, Brazil




 Disinfection, Ozone Action, Prophylaxis, Esthetic Equipment, Beauty and Aesthetics Centers


The instruments' prophylactic measures in beauty salons are not effective and require an alternative method that is capable of eliminating the microorganisms adhered to the surface of the materials. The objective of the study was to evaluate the ozonized water effectiveness on pliers used by manicures. The study was performed out in a microbiology laboratory, 95 cuticle pliers were used in the sterilization with ozonized water. The treatments consisted of 5 groups: (A) no treatment, (E) pliers sterilized by commercial establishments, B05, B10, and B15 treated with ozonized water at different times (5, 10, 15 minutes). It was verified the presence of C. Albicans in 39,58% of non-sterilized pliers, 37,5% in those sterilized by manicures, in those treated with ozone for 5 minutes, 14,58%, and in 10 minutes, 8,33%. The E. coli and S. aureus were present in the non-sterilized pliers in 70% and 75% and, 30%, and 25% in the ones sterilized by manicures. The other microorganisms (Micrococcus sp, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Epidermophyton sp, and Proteus) were present in nine occurrences, being 66.67% in the non-sterilized ones and 33.33% in the manicure ones. The B15 was efficient to eliminate all microbial agents. The sterilization of the instruments by ozonized water was able to inactivate microbial agents, showing that the time of 15 minutes was enough to present antimicrobial activity on the microorganisms. Further studies are suggested on the use of ozone in materials used in embellishment services on feet and hands, due to a few scientific studies in this area.


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