Ultra Sound Scanning and the Internet of Things: A Theoretical Model


  • Athanasios Tsatsaris Ierion Corporation, USA
  • Steven Domenikos Ierion Corporation, USA




 Internet of things, Ultra-Sound wave, Electromagnetic Wave, High frequency, Nanotechnology.


Nowadays, men have achieved extraordinarily high level of scientific achievements in all areas of disciplines. Considering the vast majority of scientific innovations that dictate man’s everyday life, it is easily to deduce the common factor of them: The well Known Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is gaining attention from governments to companies and consumers alike, due to its potential to control and manipulate everything that surrounds the world. Yet, extensive research is needed, so as to obtain optimal, secure use of new applications. In this study, we hypothesize a machine (M) which is plugged and connected to the Internet. The target is to unlock its operational system and retrieve the stored information. Two devices (D1,D2) will be used to decode the M system. D1 will emit high frequency ultrasound signals scanning the M entirely, using a specific common Language of IoT (CLoIoT) which will be developed in this work, while D2 (often D2 = D1) will receive the feedback and decode the transferred information. The CLoIoT is based on the creation of sequential sinusoidal algorithms. The unlocking of M will take place through discovering the operational digital “frequency”, under the continuous Nano-scanning of the device. It is a process termed as a lock-ultrasound-Key effect.


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