Chaos Theory and Behavioral Patterns: A theoretical Approach to Psychosis, Bipolar Disorder and Depression


  • Athanasios Tsatsaris 4 Ag.Kosma street, 51100, Grevena, Greece
  • Steven Domenikos 4 Ag.Kosma street, 51100, Grevena, Greece
  • Christos Psychos 4 Ag.Kosma street, 51100, Grevena, Greece
  • Dimitrios Moutsiounas Ierion Corporation USA



Central Nervous System, chaos, psychosis, bipolar disorder, depression neurotransmitter, behavioral patterns.


Introduction: In this research, we investigate whether chaotic phenomena (Chaos Theory) regulate human brain physiological and pathological behavioral patterns (BP).

Methods: Modeling the six basic neurotransmitters of Central Nervous System (CNS), that is to say Dopamine (DA), Serotonin (SE), Noradrenalin (NE), γ-aminobutiric acid (GABA), Glutamate (Glu) and Acetylcholine(Ach), a set of six first order differential equations have been developed and studied in phase-space.

Results: The elementary equilibrium points in three (3-DS) and six dimensional (6-DS) phase portrait analysis, include attractors, saddles and repellors. Furthermore, it has been studied the 3-D phase-space of DA, SE and NE.

Conclusions: Attractors indicate a stable equilibrium point which corresponds to the most stable behavioral pattern, while the saddles represent a occasional unstable behavioral pattern and finally the repellors correspond to an unstable dynamic system of a totally disorganized BP.. Among other mechanisms, chaotic phenomena seem to regulate in a particular way the CNS basic neurotransmitters resulting in a huge number of different theoretical BP. The implementation in 3-D phase space provides a different view of Psychosis, Bipolar Disorder and Depression. Further research is needed so as to establish the predictive and therapeutic value of this theoretical approach of Human Behavior.


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