Dynamics of Praxis Function in Children Aged 4-6 Years as an Indicator of School Readiness
Spatial postural praxis, visual-spatial orientation and movement organization, somatognosis, executive control, heterochronous development, preschool age, sensitive period.Abstract
Praxis functions are among the least studied in childhood, despite data on the relationship between motor development and school achievement. The conducted neuropsychological study evaluates the status of spatial postural praxis (ideomotor praxis for new movements) in 365 children aged 4-6 years. All children attend public kindergarten. A modified version of the Head sample was used. The test is complex in nature, and its performance correlates with other higher functions such as visual-spatial orientation and movement organization, somatognosis and executive (inhibitory) control. The respondents were divided into age, demographic and gender groups. A three-factor analysis of variance was applied that showed a significant effect of all independent factors on the development of children's spatial postural praxis. The influence of the age factor is associated with a progressive decrease in the incidence of inaccurate and echopraxic gesture performance and the influence of the gender factor with the higher achievement of girls than boys.
The data indicate a positive trend in the development of visual-spatial organization of movements and executive control over the period of 4-6 years. Тhis dynamics is an indicator of improved functioning of the frontal-parietal system and the inferior temporal regions of the left hemisphere. The age of 6 years is the first critical period in the development of spatial postural praxis and related visual-spatial and executive functions. The presence of subgroups of children with varying degrees of postural praxis is the result of individual neuropsychic development rates and has the character of a predictor of school achievement.
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