Fractional Radio Frequency for Acne Scar Treatment


  • Maha Rafei Hassan Abu-Eittah Lecturer, Medical Application Department, National Institute of Laser Enhanced Science, Cairo University, Egypt



 Fractional RF (radio frequency) system, acne scar, facial resurfacing, photothermolysis.


Acne scar is formed in teen and early adult life. Several treatment options such as chemical peeling, punch excision, fillers and laser resurfacing.

We used fractional LIFTRON RF system which delivers radio frequency energy via needles in the disposable applicator tip in 15 patients with age range of 20-40 years old, the treatment used for 4 sessions with one month interval. Photographic documents before and after sessions were taken and punch biopsy were taken from 5 patients.

Improvement occurred 30%-70%, without any complications as erythema, keloid or hyperpigmentation as occurred with other methods of treatment.

The important point is that patients returned back to work after 2 days.


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