Synergy Publishers practices the iThenticate software, which identifies occurrences of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. This software controls the content on a publications database, the Internet, and an extensive article database. It creates a similarity report, highlighting the percentage overlap between the uploaded article and the published material. Any occurrence of content overlap is further examined for assumed plagiarism according to the publisher’s Editorial Policies. If the similarity appears legitimate, the article will continue for further review; however, the authors have to write the text as per the editorial direction in cases of extreme plagiarism.
Synergy Publishers indeed obey the COPE guidelines to detect plagiarism; for more precise insight, authors may apply to flowcharts provided by visiting the COPE website or clicking here.
Low Text Similarity
The text of every submitted manuscript is controlled by applying the Content Tracking method in iThenticate. The Content Tracking method assures that manuscripts with an overall low percentage identity (but may have a higher similarity from a single source) are not overlooked. If the similarity level is significantly extended, the manuscript is returned to the author to summarize the text and cite the source of the copied material.
It is necessary to consider that the text taken from different sources with an overall low similarity percentage will be regarded as a plagiarized content if most of the article is a combination of copied material.
High Text Similarity
Some manuscripts may produce an overall low similarity rate but a more effective rate from a particular source. For instance, a manuscript may have less than 20% overall identity only may take 15 % related text from a single article; the similarity index in such cases is higher than the approved limit for a single source. To avoid plagiarism and copyright violation, the authors must thoroughly rephrase the similar text and properly cite the source.
We all understand that scholarly manuscripts are written following a thorough review of earlier published articles. It is, accordingly, not easy to describe a clear border between legal representation and plagiarism. However, the following essential points can assist in recognizing various kinds of plagiarized content. These are:
- Reproduction of others’ information, sentences, ideas, or findings as one’s own without proper acknowledgment.
- Text recycling, also known as self-plagiarism. An author uses a previous publication in another paper without proper citation and confirmation of the source.
- Paraphrasing poorly: Copying entire statements and changing a few words without modifying the composition of original sentences or changing the sentence structure but not the words.
- Exactly copying of text without placing quotation marks and not acknowledging the work of the original author.
- Similarly, manuscripts with language somewhere between paraphrasing and quoting are not acceptable. They are accurately citing a work but poorly noting the original text is supposed accidental plagiarism. Authors should either paraphrase correctly or quote and, in both cases, cite the reference.
- Higher similarity in the abstract, introduction, materials and methods, and discussion and conclusion sections indicates that the manuscript may include copied text. Authors can clearly describe these parts of the manuscript in many ways. However, technical terms and sometimes approved procedures cannot be rephrased; hence, Editors must thoroughly review these sections before deciding.
After thorough research and permission by the Journal’s Editor-in-Chief, published manuscripts including plagiarized text are withdrawn from the journal website. A ‘Retraction Note’ and a link to the original article are published on the electronic version of the plagiarized manuscript and an addendum with retraction notification in the journal concerned.