Novel Dynamic Interpolation Strategy for Upper-Limb Rehabilitation Robot (JRR v1n1) - synergy - synergy

Novel Dynamic Interpolation Strategy for Upper-Limb Rehabilitation Robot Pages 19-27

Lizheng Pan1, Aiguo Song1, Guozheng Xu2, Huijun Li1 and Baoguo Xu1

1School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China; 2College of Automation, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, China


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Abstract: Focusing on providing stable and smooth robot-assisted exercises, this paper proposes a novel dynamic interpolation strategy to improve the robot movement performances. During the robot-assisted exercise, the designed control system dynamically employs appropriate interpolation method according to the physical state of the training impaired limb (PSTIL). The remarkable feature of this strategy is that it can make full use of the characteristics of different interpolation methods, which contributes to achieve better performances. Moreover, position-based impedance control is adopted to achieve the interaction compliance between the impaired limb of patient and robot end-effector. The results of experiments on 4-DOF upper-limb rehabilitation robot demonstrate the effectiveness and potentiality of the proposed method for achieving more stable and smoother robot-assisted exercises.

Keywords:Rehabilitation robot, Stability and smoothness, Dynamic interpolation, Impedance control. Read more

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