Atherosclerosis in 2015: Hypotheses and Viewpoints. Our Comments, Assertions and the Realities (Pages 1-15)

Faruk Erzengin1 and Evren Burşuk2

1Department of Cardiology, Previous Dean, University of Istanbul, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey; 2Program of Biomedical Technologies, University of Istanbul, Vocational School of Technical Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey


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Abstract: Formation of atherosclerotic and calcified plaque begins and grows up not only beneath the endothelium (intimae), but also in the adventitial subepithelium on the coronary arteries.

A new innovative combined drug (polypill) certainly releases, regresses and prevents of formation of the atherosclerotic and calcified plaque of arteries.

Keywords: Adventitial (Erzengin’s) atherosclerotic calcification, Formation of atherosclerotic calcification plaques on the adventitia, Multi Slice Computed Tomographic Angiography, Innovative medical treatment for coronary atherosclerosis, Erzengin’s Polypill. Read more