Homicidal Ideation Associated with Low Dose Risperidone in a 10-Year-Old Boy: Subsequently Rage Responded Very Well to Low Dose Clonidine - Case Report - synergy - synergy

Homicidal Ideation Associated with Low Dose Risperidone in a 10-Year-Old Boy: Subsequently Rage Responded Very Well to Low Dose Clonidine – Case Report Pages 1-2

John Lambe

Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist, Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service, PO Box 6047, Marion Square, Wellington 6141, New Zealand

DOI: https://doi.org/10.12970/2310-8231.2019.07.01

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Abstract: The homicidal ideation that arose when risperidone was prescribed, was an entirely new symptom, and it resolved when risperidone was ceased. An extensive literature search found no similar case reports. The response to clonidine was equally dramatic.

Keywords: Risperidone, homicidal, clonidine, child, neglect.
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